
The Manhunter series came to a close with Adventure 92 (June-July 44), as Paul Kirk faces down Nazis who have landed in the US.  The Nazis begin their nefarious plan of sabotage and demoralization, but Manhunter quickly turns the tables on them.


Manhunter’s goal is to get the one in charge, the rest proving no challenge to him anyway.  The captain does flee, turning on his own men, but dies in a sinking boat anyway.


Later continuity would have Paul put aside his Manhunter garb at this point and enter the army.  Indeed, his last few stories saw him fighting Nazis, so it makes a lot of sense that he would go to fight in Europe.

After the war, Paul heads to Africa to become a big game hunter, and promptly gets trod on by an elephant.  His body is retrieved by the Council, put into suspended animation and used as a source for clones until Paul Kirk is finally revived, in the Manhunter series in Detective Comics in the mid-1970s.

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